Why Tom never killed Jerry??

Why Tom never killed Jerry??

In the world of entrepreneurship, Tom and Jerry's dynamic holds a unique lesson. Just as Tom never truly wanted to catch Jerry but thrived on the chase, entrepreneurs find motivation beyond money and power. The thrill of the business, the pursuit of challenges, and the constant quest for innovation keep them going.

Society, like the 'Fat lady' in the analogy, often expects entrepreneurs to conform to conventional norms. But for entrepreneurs, ending the chase isn't an option. The thrill, the drive, and the relentless pursuit of opportunities make entrepreneurship a way of life.

Switching from a job to entrepreneurship is easier, but once you've tasted the thrill of the chase, going back is almost impossible. It's a journey filled with obstacles, setbacks, and sleepless nights, but it's a journey entrepreneurs can't help but embark on.

Have you ever felt this unrelenting passion and drive in your entrepreneurial journey, just like Tom and Jerry's endless chase?